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The journal Paginae Historiae, published by the National Archives (former State Central Archives in Prague) since 1992, holds among the archives´journals the place of honor. It is an attempt to establish the glorious history of professional journals of predecessors of National Archives in the First Czechoslovak Republic, especially Sborník Archivu Ministerstva vnitra and Zprávy Českého zemského archivu, which at that time acquired a great reputation.
Journal, which in 2006 has undergone some changes in its internal structure, consists of several sections. The first and most extensive part is still reserved for the publishing of studies focusing on history of administration, auxiliary historical sciences, archives schience and of the Czech and world political, economic, social and cultural history, using sources of the National Archives or related to its records, and further studies that primary sources do not use the National Archives, but are more general methodical shot. The journal is also open to publishing of editions of the sources pertaining to the funds of the National Archives. The second part is devoted to publishing the results of searches for some serious issues. At the end, readers find information on current events in our archive, methodological contributions and reviews, and annotations of publications issued by the National Archives or with a significant proportion of staff from the National Archives.
Paginae historiae. Sborník Státního ústředního archivu v Praze (Národního archivu).
0, 1992, 189 s.
Pavla Burdová, The development of intabulation of Land Registers, s. 7–22.
Lenka Matušíková, The charters of Charles IV. stored in Czech Crown Archives, s. 23–44.
Vladimír Waage, To the history of the right side of the monastery of Our Lady of the Snows in New Town in Prague, s. 45–68.
Eliška Čáňová, List of subjekt according to faith, s. 69–81.
Marie Lišková, Land Estates Committee in Bohemia in the 18th century. Contribution to the modern diplomatics, s. 82–102.
Zlatuše Kukánová – Lenka Matušíková, Registers of Jewish Religious Communities in Bohemia and Moravia from the years 1784-1949, s. 103–127.
Eva Drašarová, Social life in the Czech Republic in the period of new-absolutism – Clubs in 1850s, s. 128–169.
Alexandra Špiritová, Czech clubs of Deputies of the Imperial Council in the years 1879-1918, s. 170–189.
1, 1993, 218 s.
Karel Beránek, When the new king was enthronmented... Contribution to Hungarian diplomatics, s. 5–11.
Vladimír Waage, Life on the right side of the monastery of Our Lady of the Snows in Prague and the sources of his knowledge, s. 12–36.
Jan Krlín, Historic maps of region of Cheb in the Collection of maps and plans of the State Central Archives in Prague, s. 37–45.
Zlatuše Kukánová, The structure of the secular clergy in Bohemia in the early 17th century, s. 46–71.
Zlatuše Kukánová – Lenka Matušíková, List of registers of Jewish communities in Bohemia, s. 72–151.
Eva Drašarová, State, club and association, s. 152–177.
Alexandra Špiritová, Central educational club [Ústřední matice školská] in the years 1880-1919, s. 178–195.
Jaroslava Milotová, The personam aspects of so called Heydrich´s administrative reform, s. 196–218.
2, 1994, 211 s.
Pavla Burdová, The Court Registers, s. 5–19.
Zlatuše Kukánová, Report on the state of the archdiocese of Prague from 1650, s. 20–62.
Lenka Matušíková, The history of the Prague ghetto in the 2nd the 17th century, s. 63–72.
Alexandra Špiritová, Jewish Prague Post, s. 73–89.
Zlatuše Kukánová – Lenka Matušíková, List of registers of Jewish Religious Communities in Bohemia - II. part, s. 90–138.
Jiří Křesťan, JUDr. Josef Schieszl and his personal archives, s. 139–160.
Jaroslava Milotová, Results Heydrich's administrative reform from the perspective of the occupation authorities, s. 161–174.
Jaroslava Hoffmannová, The manuscripts stored in Family Archive Metternich, s. 175–198.
Rudolf Kaďorek, Definition of records of the Ministry of Agriculture, s. 199–211.
3, 1995, 247 s.
Alexandra Špiritová, Union for the encourage of industry in Bohemia, s. 9–23.
Eva Drašarová, Czech Market crops and products, and attempts at establishing the Prague Stock Exchange, s. 24–77.
Jiří Novotný – Jiří Šouša, The development of administrative structures private institutions in the second and third decade of life on the 20th century. Statutory and other bodies of the Agricultural Bank 1911-1929, s. 78–116.
Jaroslav Bubeník – Jiří Křesťan, Determination of nationality as a problem of statistical and political. Experience from the first census of the Republic, s. 119–140.
Jiří Křesťan, Přemysl Pitter and Josef Schieszl, s. 141–145.
Vojtěch Blodig, The putsch in Židenice and the National Fascist Community in 1933, s. 146–160.
Milan Hlinomaz, The state and provincial symbolism of the state during the period 1526-1918, s. 163–207.
Zlatuše Kukánová – Lenka Matušíková, List of registers of Jewish Religious Communities in Bohemia - III. part, s. 208–247.
4, 1996, 262 s.
Jana Konvičná, The dynastic origins of Přemyslids in Opava and their link to the policy of the Czech kings, s. 5–38.
Jaroslava Hausenblasová, Lists of the courtiers of the Emperor Rudolf II. the years 1580, 1584 and 1589th Edition, s. 39–151.
Zlatuše Kukánová – Lenka Matušíková, List of registers of Jewish Religious Communities in Bohemia - IV. part, s. 152–181.
Alexandra Špiritová, War damages the population in the Czech Republic after 1866, s. 182–205.
Vladimír Šibrava, An attempt to reopen the issue Ľ Autriche Slave et Roumaine, s. 206–216.
Zlatuše Kukánová, The Establishment and history of Czech consulting department of the Vatican Library, s. 217–226.
Miroslav Kunt, The development of transport archives in Czechoslovakia with special reference to the archives of the railway, s. 227–262.
5, 1997, 218 s.
Jana Konvičná, The land of Opava and the Přemyslids in Opava under the last Luxemburg, s. 5–25.
Pavel Sedláček, The Seal of captaincy in Frankenstein, s. 26–38.
Jaroslava Hoffmannová, Metternich and ballet reformer Noverre, s. 39–54.
Vladimír Šibrava, Some remarks on the concept of the "Czech Question" by Ernest Denis, s. 55–71.
Alexandra Špiritová, Reflection preparation and unleashing of the First World War in Czech postal transport, s. 72–88.
Jan Krlín, Expressions of public opinion in the Czech lands in 1917-1918, s. 89–109.
Pavla Burdová, The so-called school records and their handling systems, s. 110–122.
Josef Kollmann, Dr. Jaroslav Prokeš, archivist, historian, teacher. To the 100. Birth anniversary, s. 123–162.
Jiří Úlovec, The former mansions in Kojšice near Petrovice, district Klatovy, s. 163–186.
Zlatuše Kukánová – Lenka Matušíková, List of registers of Jewish communities in Moravia, s. 187–218.
6, 1998, 279 s.
Milena Secká, The American Club of Ladies, s. 5–20.
Tomáš Zdražil, Theosophy in Prague, s. 21–37.
Luboš Velek, The Forming of government of Ernest von Koerber and restore the office of Minister of the Czech compatriot in 1900, s. 38–63.
Jiří Křesťan, Realistic club in Prague, s. 64–82.
Jan Šturz, Rotary Club and Czechoslovakia, s. 83–115.
Martina Křesťanová, Bert-Brecht-Club, s. 116–126.
Vojtěch Blodig, Czechoslovak political parties and promoting German emigration in 1930s, s. 127–138.
Luboš Houska, The German exile in France, 1933-1943, s. 139–150.
Jiří Jožák, The history of Czech Sokol in the U.S. (1865-1914), s. 151–188.
Alexandra Špiritová, Members of the Czechoslovak National Committee and the Revolutionary National Assembly in 1918
, s. 189–209.
Jan Krlín, Exchanges of public officials in the Czech lands in 1918-1920, s. 210–253.
Zlatuše Kukánová, The new building of Archives of Czech Country. The 65th anniversary special-purpose archive building in Prague - Dejvice, s. 254–279.
7, 1999, 294 s.
Zlatuše Kukánová, Upper Lusatian secular clergy in the Archdiocese of Prague in the first half of the 17th century, s. 5–26.
Alena Pazderová, Reviews of Italian events in the Czech lands in the 1st half of 19th century, s. 27–45.
Helena Krejčová, The Committees of the Association of Czech Academic Jews and Academic Club "Kapper", s. 46–84.
Alexandra Špiritová, The members of club Omladina, s. 85–111.
Irena Štěpánová, Arranging the first Czech boarding houses for girls in Prague 1898, s. 112–125.
Luboš Velek, Young Czechs and the end of the wholenational principle - elections to the Imperial Council 1900-1901, s. 126–158.
Jiřina Juněcová, Exhibition of Agricultural unity of the Czechoslovak Republic, s. 159–165.
Marie Crhová, The Zionist electoral politics in the late 1920s, s. 166–188.
Jiří Křesťan, Dilemmas of Jewish policy in the Czech lands in 1933-1938, s. 189–205.
Miroslava Menšíková – František Vašek, Events Albrecht der Erste. Event 1 September 1939 a special focus on Brno and Southern Moravia, s. 206–255.
Bohumil Černý, The Comintern and the German emmigrats in Czechoslovakia 1933-1939, s. 256–276.
Vácslav Babička, February 1948 and the Catholic Church, s. 277–294.
8, 2000, 171 s.
Václav Bartůšek, Baroque school humor 17th and 18 century in the Czech lands, s. 6–25.
Zdeňka Kokošková, The Estates registrator and archivist Vincenc Peter Erben, s. 26–37.
Eva Gregorovičová, Family archives of Tuscany Habsburg testifies. Sources to Louis Salvator of Tuscany, s. 38–61.
Alexandra Špiritová, The case of teacher Josef Král, s. 62–66.
Milena Secká, Whale in Prague, s. 67–73.
Eva Drašarová, ... It happened at the end of Jubilee 1900th. Funny story about what happened at the end of the last years of the 19th century, with special reference to the royal capital city of Prague
, s. 74–100.
Jana Pšeničková, The affairs of the Republican party related to the implementation of land reform, s. 101–122.
Jiří Křesťan, The fate of Czech colony in Tahiti (1924–1938), s. 123–153.
Alena Pazderová, Two parts of history of the The Czech Land Archives, s. 154–167.
9, 2001, 355 s.
Jana Smíšková, The hospital St. James and the underclass care in Dresden in the early modern period, s. 5–29.
Jan Kahuda, The confirmation of privileges of Czech monasteries in the 18th century, s. 30–70.
Jiří Georgiev, Czech fideikomises in recent years of its existence. Notes on legal and archival aspects, s. 71–97.
Alexandra Špiritová, The documents of the former Post Office Archives in Prague, s. 98–113.
Karel Malec, The Archives of Syndicate of Journalists, s. 114–131.
Alexandra Blodigová, The fate of Czech Journalists Assotiation and its successors, s. 132–139.
František Morkes, To beginning of teachers
association life in Bohemia and Moravia (view documents Archive Pedagogical Museum of J. A. Comenius in Prague), s. 140–151.
Jiří Jožák, American Sokol and the first international action, s. 152–221.
Jiří Křesťan, Zdeněk Nejedlý and club Socialist Society in Prague, s. 222–269.
Josef Kollmann, The case of univ.prof. dr. Jaroslav Prokeš - a grim chapter in the history of the Archives of the Ministry of Interior, s. 270–334.
Jaroslav Bouček, Jan Slavík. As I approached the problem of the Russian Revolution to the three presidents of the Republic, s. 335–355.
10, 2002, 306 s.
Karel Beránek, An attempt to reconstruct the catalog offices in Prague Estates Evangelical Consistory in 1609-1619, s. 5–39.
Václav Bartůšek, Efforts establishing Piarist College in Prague in the 17th and the 1st mid-18th century, s. 40–71.
Jan Krlín, Narodni svet v Ljubljane 1918 (National Committee in Ljubljana 1918) and the issue of building a new state structures in what is now Slovenia in the period October to December 1918, s. 72–107.
Ivan Pfaff, Yalta - dividing the world or a legend? From the viewpoint of the Czechoslovak, s. 108–152.
Alexandra Špiritová, Russian foreign archives, s. 153–166.
Josef Kollmann, Dr. Josef Borovička and Národní archiv. Contribution to the history of archives of more recent times, s. 167–222.
Vojtěch Belling, Joachim Prochno and his work in the Archives of the Earth in the Czech Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, s. 223–246.
Bohumil Černý, The tragic fate of German Jewish emigrant Helmut Hirsch (27. 1. 1916 – 4. 6. 1937), s. 247–263.
Zora Machková, Friendship and cooperation of French journalists Georges Blachon Soběslav Pinkas in the light of their mutual correspondence, s. 264–278.
Jan Bílek – Jana Bártová, Remembering Oldra Sedlmayerová. Edition of the letters of Pavla Mocová addressed to Jarmila Glazarová, s. 279–292.
Irena Štěpánová, Czech cottage on the National Jubilee Exhibition 1891 in historical documents, s. 293–306.
11, 2003, 230 s.
Karolina Petrasová, George of Poděbrady and Fraternal unity, s. 5–31.
Václav Bartůšek, Dissemination of piarists colleges and schools in Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia in the 17th and 18 century, s. 32–68.
Ludmila Sochorová, Order of St. Ursula School in the Czech lands at the time of the Baroque and Enlightenment reforms of Maria Theresa, s. 69–89.
Helena Kokešová, “The undersigned ... appreciation”. The action of Karel Němec at High economics and economic-technical school in Tábor and Provincial pomological Institute in Troja, s. 90–137.
Ivan Pfaff, "December's block" and the alternative left-wing minority government in Czechoslovakia in 1935, s. 138–164.
Josef Kollmann, Dr. Jan Slavík to the case of prof. dr. Jaroslava Prokeš, s. 165–192.
Jaroslav Honc, Metternichs and their family archives, s. 193–219.
Bibliographic list of articles published in Paginae historiae 1992–2002 (Anna Vindušková), s. 220–230.
12, 2004, 208 s.
Václav Bartůšek, Librarians of Piarist College in Prague in 1752-1780, s. 5–46.
Bohumil Černý, Camill Hoffmann, poet - journalist – diplomat (1878–1944), s. 47–73.
Ivana Ebelová, The establishment and operation of Elizabethan hospitals in the New Town in Prague in the 18th century and look into the Brothers of Mercy Hospital in Old Town in Prague, s. 74–94.
Helena Kokešová, Correspondence between Eduard Albert and Antonín Randa, s. 95–146.
Klára Kučerová, The funeral shields in genealogical and heraldic collection Wunschwitz, s. 147–208.
13, 2005, 269 s.
Jaroslava Hausenblasová, The beginnings of the Appellate Court in the Czech Republic and its staffing 1548-1627, s. 5–31.
Zlatuše Kukánová, Dr. Josef Pluhař - chancellor and ambassador of the Knights of Malta. The establishment of diplomatic relations with Czechoslovakia in 1939, s. 32–80.
Vladimír Černý – František Vašek, Mass executions in Berlin-Plötzensee, (7.–13. září 1943), s. 81–105.
Pavel R. Zahradník, Image of Vicariate in Mladá Boleslav in visitation protocolls from years 1670 and 1696, s. 106–139.
Pacifik M. Matějka, The lists of heads of Capuchin monasteries subordinated to provincial board in Prague (1599-2005), s. 140–269.
14, 2006, 749 s.
Jitka Křečková, The archives of monastery in Břevnov, s. 11–29.
Václav Bartůšek, Above the list of Prague Piarist school students from 1778, s. 31–88.
Eva Gregorovičová, Family Archive of Habsburg Tuscany – a source for the history of the Order of St. Stephen, s. 91–141.
Danilo Barsanti, Between Pisa and Prague. Order of St. Stephen in Bohemia, s. 143–184.
Ivan Šťovíček, Ministry of Interior, London - Report on the record processed, s. 187–197.
Jaroslav Pažout – Monika Sedláková, Disclosure of the German State Ministry records for Bohemia and Moravia, s. 199–256.
Pacifik M. Matějka, List of provincial, definitory and other administrative units introduced Capuchin Order of historic headquarters in Prague (and Vienna), s. 259–343.
Vladislav Mareš, The problems of interpretation Salbuchy records. Which Poříčí have the right weekly market?, s. 345–352.
Petra Ševčenková, Edition lists the so-called politically compromised for Prague in 1857. The new absolutism persecution in the Czech Republic in the light of official records, s. 355–481.
Jan Edl, Overview of changes in the territorial organization of political governance in the years 1928-1948, s. 483–546.
15, 2007, 555 s.
Andrea Šulcová, Karel Kálal (1860–1930). Physical and mental world of "middle class" in the 19th and 20th century, s. 11–54.
Monika Sedláková, The minorities museum in Prague, s. 55–96.
Karel Řeháček, Central educational club [Ústřední matice školská] in the years 1918-1951, s. 97–130.
Jan Krlín, Carinthian plebiscite 1920, s. 131–164.
Zlatuše Kukánová, Cardinal's hat for Karel Kašpar, s. 165–212.
Peter Dinuš, State Police attempt to discredit the Archbishop Beran in Ostašov, s. 213–230.
Vojtěch Vaněk, Jaromír Čelakovský as editor. Plans and Reality in the editing work of Jaromír Čelakovský and the question of the origin of diplomatary in Kutná Hora, s. 231–263.
Klára Woitschová, The leaves from memorating books in collection Wunschwitz. Inventory and editions, s. 265–334.
Jiří Oesterreicher, The jewish register in Nové Hrady 1800–1876 (1878), s. 335–376.
Pavel Suk, The Interrogations of the Generals Rudolf Viest and Ján Golian in the Period of the Final German Propaganda Campaign in the Press of the Protectorate, s. 377–427.
16, 2008, 589 s.
Dagmar Culková, Decrees of the Czech Chancellory in the Period before the Battle of the White Mountain (1620), s. 7–47.
David Novotný, Royal Reeves in Dower Towns in the Period before the Battle of the White Mountain (1620), Based on the Examples of Crudim, Vysoké Mýto, and Polička), s. 49–101.
Václav Bartůšek, The Teaching of the Natural Sciences at the Schools of the Piarist Order, 1620-1778, s. 103–122.
Marek Starý, The Zňovští of Korkyně: the Tragic End of a Knightly Family, s. 123–182.
Ludmila Sochorová, The Duel of the Count of Nostic and the Mysterious Francois in 1787, s. 183–204.
Alexandra Špiritová, The Forgotten Archivist, s. 205–212.
Jan Kramář, The Czechoslovak Post Office Museum and the Creation of its Collections, 1918-1938, s. 213–277.
Jaroslava Honcová, The Research Institute for Agricultural Economics 1951–1968, s. 279–305.
Stanislava Jílková, The Prague “Old Montanum”1500–1783 (1825), s. 307–331.
Jaroslav Pažout, On the History of the Archival Holding on the 1939 Census, s. 333–379.
Pavel Suk, The Interrogations of the Generals Rudolf Viest and Ján Golian in the Period of the Final German Propaganda Campaign in the Press of the Protectorate (Part 2), s. 381–435.
Helena Sedláčková – Anton F. Malinovský, Pictures of Coats of Arms in the Archival Holding “Salbuchy”, s. 437–488.
17, 2009, 374 s.
Jaroslava Honcová, A corruption scandal of MP Albín Chalupa from 1928 and its consequences for agricultural production cooperatives, s. 6-28.
Mikuláš Čtvrtník, Packaged help to Terezín, s. 29-54.
Hynek Stříteský, Reduction of private enterprise by changes in the structure of heavy machinery after 1945, s. 55-110.
Stanislava Jílková, Substitution of the mining court Jílové 1791-1845 (1852), s. 111-128.
David Hubený, Patent Office 1919-1952, s. 129-156.
Pavel Suk, The Interrogations of the Generals Rudolf Viest and Ján Golian in the Period of the Final German Propaganda Campaign in the Press of the Protectorate, (part 3), s. 157-221.
18, 2010, 417 s.
Petr Mareš, The Justices of the Main Provincial Law-Court of the Kingdom of Bohemia (1542-1620) at the Habsburg Court and the Court of Frederick of the Palatinate, s. 7–65.
Petra Chaloupková, The Provincial Institute for the Insane in Prague, 1791-1886, s. 67–99.
Jan Kramář, Concerning the Beginning of the Czech National Economic Press, s. 101–132.
Pavel Baloun, The Police Investigation into the Members of the „Národní obec fašistická“(„National Association of Fascists“) in February 1933, s. 133–145.
Václav Bartůšek, List of honorable piarists from 1710, s. 147–162.
Eva Gregorovičová, The Tuscan Meritorious Order of St Joseph: History, Statutes, Records, and List of Persons Decorated, s. 165–216.
Pacifik M. Matějka, Capuchin Literary Figures in the Czech-Austrian and Czech-Moravian Provinces, s. 217–264.
Helena Sedláčková, Funeral Shields from the Church of Exaltation of the Holy Cross in Doubravník, s. 265–297.
19, 2011, 424 s.
Petr Mareš, The Casting of Regional Governor Office in Bohemia during the reign of Ferdinand I. and the list of regional governors from 1537/1538 – 1560/1561 based on registers of Bohemian Royal Office, s. 7–95.
Klára Woitschová, The Activities of the Bohemian Court of Appeal between 1672 and 1682 in the light of its verdict manuals and book of court minutes, s. 96–115.
Zuzana Loubetová, Hubert Ripka (1895–1958) – a „sovietophile“ or a „westophile“?, s. 116–157.
Karel Řeháček, The Settlement Office and the National Renewal Fund in Prague: the location, staffing and organizational structure of thein headquarters and regional offices between 1945 and 1951, s. 158–204.
Petr Karlíček, The life and work of the painter nad cartoonist Fedor Petrikovský (1905–1968), s. 205–216.
Monika Sedláková, The Records of the Secretary of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, s. 217–246.
Jan Bílek – Jana Bílková,The correspondence between Karel Čapek a Hubert Ripka, s. 247–252.
20/2012/1, 430 s.
Ludmila Sochorová, Theatre-Maker Matěj Stuna (1765–1819) and his friends „Jacobins“? Transformation of democratic intelligence identity at the end of the „Age of Reason“, s. 5–31.
Jan Benda, The German Social Democratic Workers´Party (DSAP) and refugees from the occupied border, s. 32–60.
Zlatuše Kukánová, From a Czech Theological College to Nepomucenum, s. 61–130.
Jan Kramář, Postal Museum and its collection activities in 1939–1970, s. 131–174.
Vlasta Valeš, School Club Komenský: 140 years of Czech Education in Vienna, s. 175–202.
Filip Paulus, Diary of Maps and plans collection. Source for the history of one stage of its development, s. 203–240.
Milan Vojáček, To know, where to go for them... Trying to compare police records of population registers in Berlin, Vienna and Prague from the 19th century to the end of World War I, s. 241–257.
Hubert Ripka: records of interview with Edvard Beneš 1932–1938, s. 258–307.
20/2012/2, 568 s.
Records management and pre-archival care – monograph conceived volume (articles from Tomáš Kalina, Zora Machková – Jiří Křesťan, Helena Pochobradská, Miroslav Olšina, Alexandra Blodigová, Daniela Brádlerová, Petr Cajthaml – Marek Ďurčanský, Karolína Šimůnková, Eva Wasková, Pavel Šrámek, Jan Schwaller, Jakub Kunert, Mikuláš Čtvrtník, Zbyšek Stodůlka, Martin Šisler, Růžena Hlušičková, Josef Žabka and Vladimír Kaláb), s. 9–426.
Emilie Benešová, Archival description of photographical documents, s. 427–504.
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